Two-wheel moto tours in Morocco

Tour in Moto two wheels

Morocco by motorcycle tour and recommendations on two wheels

Tour in moto two wheelsMorocco is a country that offers a thousand and one possibilities for lovers of motorcycle tours. Its contrasts, its exoticism, its impressive landscapes, and the warmth of its people make this country one of the favorite destinations for those seeking adventure on two wheels

Tour in moto two wheelsMorocco is safe to do a motorcycle route and has the necessary infrastructures for those looking for a comfortable trip, although it also offers possibilities for those who opt for dirt roads on secondary roads. The type of vehicle, our experience, and our desire for adventure are what should mark the route that we are willing to take.

It is convenient to make a forecast of the path we want to follow, although it does not hurt to leave some space for flexibility to achieve a trip that is not too restricted, which would force us to have to leave for the next destination when we are most enjoying the one we are in.

Tour in moto two wheelsRegarding the duration of the trip, the distances between the different points of interest are sometimes greater than it seems, so, although shorter routes can be made, it is advisable to have at least two weeks to be able to soak up everything that Morocco has to offer you.

Before traveling with your motorcycle to Morocco 

Before touring Morocco on a motorcycle, you must have everything ready. The first thing is to prepare the motorcycle with a thorough review, especially with regard to the battery, brakes, oil, transmission, chains, and tires, which is what will allow you to ride off-road with a full guarantee. In addition, it is convenient to carry basic tools and have the basic knowledge to solve a puncture.

Another aspect to take into account is that the passport must be valid for at least six months. You must also have a driver’s license, a green card from the insurer, the technical sheet of the motorcycle, and the circulation permit. Once at the border, you will need to fill out a form provided by the border agents. Do not forget to keep the paper with the customs stamp, since you will have to show it when leaving the country.

Tour in moto two wheelsAs for luggage, you can not miss the GPS, flashlight, and corresponding clothing depending on the time of year in which you travel. If you are going to take a tour on secondary roads or tracks, you can calculate the distance between gas stations. On busier roads, you will find at least one gas station every 150 kilometers, but it is a good idea to fill up your tank when you have the opportunity, to avoid setbacks, as well as carry cash, since some gas stations do not accept credit cards. If you enter the country through Tanger Ville, you can exchange euros for dirhams at the facilities themselves, although you can also do so at banks, exchange houses, or hotels.

Tour in moto two wheels

Tips for your trip to Morocco

One of the most important aspects to decide is when to make the trip. For many bikers, the best month to do a route through Morocco is May, since the temperature is pleasant and there is no risk of floods that could slow down the passage on the roads.

Tour in moto two wheelsYou must bear in mind that between mid-September and May you must bring both summer clothes and clothes to face the drop in night temperatures. Both in the summer period and in the winter season, a raincoat as a windbreaker never hurts. In September and October, and the months of March and April, you may have to deal with rain, and from the end of October to February, both in the interior of the country and in the desert, it can be very cold, and even you can find snow in the Atlas.

Tour in moto two wheelsMoroccan roads are a box of surprises, so it is advisable to always be alert and leave a greater safety distance than is recommended in Europe, since you never know what you can find around a curve, from bicycles to vans or motorcycles, passing by carts pulling donkeys or trucks.

In the case of driving through the desert sand, it is advisable to always take high gears at the highest speed that the road allows, and in the event of a fall, start in second or third gear so that the wheels do not sink into the sand.

Tour in moto two wheelsIn addition, on the routes, it is necessary to drink water even before you are thirsty, to stay hydrated, and on the busiest roads, be careful with overtaking. Finally, at the entrance to the medinas of the big cities, you will find guarded parking lots to leave your motorcycle overnight. In any case, it is always a good idea to carry travel insurance in order to be covered for the main unforeseen events that may arise.

Tour in moto two wheelsMorocco is a perfect destination for a motorcycle route. Having the opportunity to travel on the same day from a big city to a remote town, or from the Sahara desert to the Atlas trails, is one of the great attractions of this destination. Having a forecast before leaving on the route that we want to do is compatible with a certain flexibility to be able to enjoy it to the fullest once we are on two wheels. On the roads of Morocco, the word boredom is no longer in our vocabulary

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